Guest Post: Ina’s Indonesian Chicken

Please welcome Adele, our favorite brother’s wife, who knows we’re busy so is helping us out on the blog this week with three recipes that make up a great Shabbat dinner!

Hosting Friday night dinner is not as easy as my mother makes it look; especially when you have a baby who loves to climb all over the place. To make it easier, I decided that my recipes needed to have five ingredients or less—and no fussy stuff!

ina's indonesian chicken from the kosher foodies

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Kibbe bil Sanieh/Ground Meat Pie

Okay, so have you ever had kibbe? No, not the meat stuffed meatballs that we made a little while back. The kind with a bulgur shell that you fry and eat with lemon or tahine. Well, they’re hard to make. But they’re amazing. I’ve made them before, but never blogged them for you (aren’t I mean? One day I will). Well this has the flavors of kibbe, but is much easier to make.kibbe pie {the kosher foodies}


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Raspberry Crumble Bars

raspberry crumble bars, baked

This is such a simple dessert, and definitely look harder than they were to make. And they’re amazingly delicious.

I actually baked these for a shabbat dessert, but I can imagine them for a breakfast or brunch party. Of course, because I made them pareve, they weren’t as good as they would be with real butter. But everyone still loved them, they were a hit, and I would make them pareve again! They really are a cross between a breakfast and a dessert, especially with the granola crumble on top. Use good granola (homemade, if possible). It really makes a difference in the final flavor! Also, use good jam. I didn’t use homemade jam on this, only because I didn’t want to think about wasting more than a jar of it!  Continue reading

Matzah Brei

How are you enjoying your chag? Do you miss bread yet? I think we can all hold out for just a little bit longer. I miss my chametz kitchen-supplies most of all, the rest of it doesn’t bother me. Did you eat breakfast yet? Here’s what I had for breakfast: Matzah (or matzo) brei.

Matzah brei is really ugly, or at least mine is. But it’s a Passover staple, so I have to share it with you anyway.

It’s basically scrambled eggs with matzah in it. You can make it sweet, savory, meat, dairy, whatever.

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Sephardic Charoset

You’re probably not doing much relaxing this Sunday, it’s Passover prep season! That’s right, since tomorrow’s the first seder, you’re probably busy in your hametz-free kitchen, cooking away. Is your local grocery store all out of charoset? Or are you feeling extra eager this holiday season? Maybe you want to make your own.

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Corned Beef Hash

corned beef hash from the kosher foodiesSometimes I get into a dinner rut…okay, more than sometimes. It happens all the time. You would think I have an awesome archive of recipes that I can just fall back on, and I do. But some nights I just want to make something weird, different, or completely unusual for me. When that happens, I flip through my seemingly endless supply of cookbooks, scanning through the pages with post-its, or skipping those for something that I wouldn’t normally bookmark. Or, I look through blogs or Pinterest. Last time that happened, I searched through my Second Avenue Deli cookbook. The recipe that jumped out at me? Corned beef hash. Maybe it was because the directions called for a meat grinder and I have one? Or maybe just because it was so weird it has to be good? Either way, I had to make it.  Continue reading

Temp Tee Passover Desserts: Cream Cheese Truffles and Chocolate Cake with Cream Cheese and Whipped Cream Frosting

temp tee truffles for passover

It’s hard to believe that it’s already time to get ready for Pesach, but Purim has passed and Passover really is right around the corner. This year, we’re preparing with this easy, no-bake dessert that requires no special equipment (because maybe you only have KforP bowls and forks!).

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