Spicy Edamame

Edamame is kind of boring these days. I stopped ordering it at restaurants, because I can buy a bag of the frozen stuff and make it the same at home, but even that got boring, and I needed something new to do it besides boiling it and eating with salt.

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Beef Lomein

beef lo mein

Sometimes, you are just in the mood for Chinese food, but you want it to be semi- healthy. That’s where this recipe came in. Beef lomein without all the MSG and junk. I know exactly what went into it, and used whole wheat pasta, of course!

My husband thought it was delicious, but actually thought I should have used tofu in place of the steak. That’s pretty unlike him, but I think the tofu would have been better, especially if it was marinated in the delicious sauce.  Continue reading

Korean Ground Beef

I’m very into quick meals these days. Not things like boring mac and cheese, although we do eat that in my house, but new and different meals. I like recipe testing and trying out interesting flavors. So when I came across this recipe on Pinterest, I just knew I had to make it. This is a simple recipe with a ton of flavor! It’s sweet and tangy, and healthy when served over brown rice with some veggies. I chose broccoli.

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Turkey Potstickers

We really have to thank our good friend and culinary school graduate Adam Mimran for this recipe. He’s the one who’s tested it many times and took the time to make them for a crowd during the Superbowl. Funny thing is, this has been on mine and Steph’s to do lists for quite some time. Oh well. Sometimes you have to rely on friends to cook things for you. If you plan on making them for a crowd, double the recipe. Continue reading

Carrot Miso Soup with Sesame

I have been really into Asian flavors lately, and I have started to keep white miso paste in my refrigerator to make quick miso soups for those nights that I don’t feel like cooking dinner. This is even better, because you know what else I always have? Carrots! And onions! And sesame oil. You really can’t skip the sesame oil in this recipe, it magnifies the deliciousness of the soup.


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Beef and Broccoli

Want the taste of Chinese food in your very own kitchen? This beef and broccoli dish really tastes like Chinese food! And there’s no MSG. And you can make it with brown rice and not charge $1 extra. I just wish I had a wok, because that would make cooking this dish extra fun. Try it even if you don’t have one. Cast iron works wonders. So do dutch ovens. Continue reading

Carrot Ginger Dressing

The best part of going out for sushi is salad, because it comes with carrot ginger dressing! Jessica and I have been known to pick up a quart of dressing from our local sushi joint. That is, before we learned how easy it is to make at home!

Since I tend to experiment with Asian cooking, I always have most of these ingredients at home, such as rice vinegar, ginger and sesame oil. I did have to go out and find some miso paste, which was pretty easy; there are a few brands of kosher miso paste available at Whole Foods. Now that I have that, I can make this whenever the urge strikes, since it lasts in the fridge for quite a while. It’s also good to have around for my favorite lazy miso soup dinner, which consists of mixing miso paste with water and adding whatever veggies I have around, and maybe some greens or soba noodles.

While you’re picking up your miso paste, make sure to buy an avocado, our favorite vehicle for carrot-ginger dressing!

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Soba Noodles with Vegetables

This was served as the side dish with my broiled tofu, which Martha Stewart suggested as a meal. Well, I will always listen to Martha, because this was a great meal! Maybe I would have considered this the main dish and the tofu the side dish, but I served them on the same plate at the same time, so whatever. It’s delicious nonetheless.

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Meatless Mondays: Broiled Black Pepper Tofu with Ginger Lemon Dipping Sauce

Soooo remember when I was freaking out about that almost-exploding tofu package? I had been preparing to make this meal. And I made it anyway, but I bought a new package of tofu, because I didn’t want to risk anything.

Think you don’t like tofu? That’s probably not true; I’ve made a slimy tofu before, but you just have to cook it the right way and it’s great! And it’s as easy as broiling it for less than 10 minutes. This is a great start to a Meatless Monday meal!

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Soy Sauce String Beans

Growing up, we always thought we didn’t like string beans. Looking back, that sounds ridiculous. What’s not to like? But the only string bean we’d ever eaten were once frozen and burnt to a crisp. Our sister Rayna reintroduced us to string beans years later with this recipe.

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